
BioDiesel Feedstocks – Borage Oil & Camelina Oil

BioDiesel Feedstocks – Borage Oil & Camelina Oil 1024 721 Star Oilco

This post continues our deeper look into different types of feedstock that Renewable Energy Group (REG) studied in 2009 in the Feedstock and Biodiesel Characteristics Report.  Different feedstocks give the resulting B100 biodiesel different characteristics.   This week’s two oils are Borage Oil and Camelina Oil.  If you would like to learn more about some of…

What Types of Feedstock Can Be Used To Make Biodiesel?

What Types of Feedstock Can Be Used To Make Biodiesel? 700 525 Star Oilco

To answer what feedstocks can be used to make biodiesel we need to first answer – What is Biodiesel? Biodiesel is created through a process called transesterification.  Transecterification is when an alcohol such as methanol or ethanol is added to an oil or fat.  This creates methyl esters and glycerin.  Methyl esters is the scientific…

Oregon Biodiesel and Ethanol Fuel Mandates

Oregon Biodiesel and Ethanol Fuel Mandates 1024 640 Star Oilco

Oregon Biofuel Blending Requirements for Gasoline and Diesel. Oregon law has a 5% Biodiesel and 10% Ethanol fuel blend mandate. In Oregon, you can expect to buy a biofuel with every gallon of gas or diesel, whether you are buying at a retail pump or commercially delivered bulk fuel. Unless you are expressly seeking out…

Oregon-Made Biodiesel

Oregon-Made Biodiesel 1024 819 Star Oilco

Low CO2 Biodiesel Made from Waste Vegetable Oil in Salem, Oregon. Star Oilco is a proud seller of locally-sourced biodiesel products. We believe in biodiesel and run B20 in our own fleet. Star Oilco has been a pioneer in successful fleet demonstration of B20 and blends up to B99 in a host of applications for…

Fixing the problems with bugs growing in your diesel

Fixing the problems with bugs growing in your diesel 1024 512 Star Oilco

What to do about Biological Growth in Diesel Fuel. Fuel Marketer News has two great articles on biological growth in fuel tanks. Star Oilco as a diesel fuel delivery provider in Oregon and Washington is all to familiar with this emerging problem with ultra-low sulfur bio-diesel blend fuels. Where there is water, bugs can grow…


Sustainability 150 150 Star Oilco

Star Oilco’s Commitment to Sustainability What is biodiesel? Is it the same as raw vegetable oil? Biodiesel is a cleaner burning diesel fuel made from vegetable oil. Simply stated, a biodiesel molecule is a                                                              vegetable oil molecule with the glycerol removed. Chemically, biodiesel is defined as a mono-alkyl ester of                                                          …